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Assessing Colombia’s Political Environment for Achieving Sustainable Development Goals: Challenges and Opportunities


I. Introduction

Background and significance of the study

Objectives of the Study

Scope and limitations of the Study

II. Research Questions

III. Theoretical Framework

IV. Literature Review

Sustainable Development Goals and their relevance to Colombia

Colombia’s political environment and its impact on sustainable development

Success stories and challenges in achieving sustainable development in Colombia

Relevant policies and initiatives in Colombia for sustainable development

V. Methodology

Research design and approach

Data collection and analysis methods

Variables and indicators used in the Study

VI. Findings and Results

Overview of Colombia’s political environment for achieving sustainable development goals

Assessment of Colombia’s progress toward achieving sustainable development goals

Identification of challenges and opportunities in achieving sustainable development in Colombia

Analysis of the relationship between the political environment and sustainable development in Colombia

VII. Discussion

Interpretation of the findings

Comparison with previous studies and research

Implications for policy and practice

VIII. Conclusion and Recommendations

Summary of the Study

Recommendations for policymakers, researchers, and practitioners

Limitations of the Study and suggestions for future research

IX. References

List of sources cited in the paper

Source: AUN News


Bhattacharya, A., & Advocacy Unified Network. (2023). Assessing Colombia’s Political Environment for Achieving Sustainable Development Goals: Challenges and Opportunities. Advocacy Unified Network.



Colombia, a developing country in South America, has set ambitious goals to achieve sustainable development by 2030. However, achieving these goals requires a favorable political environment, which poses significant challenges to the country. This research paper aims to assess Colombia’s political climate for achieving sustainable development goals, identify the challenges that hinder progress, and explore the opportunities that can be leveraged to overcome these challenges. The paper uses a qualitative research approach, including a literature review and expert interviews, to analyze the current state of Colombia’s political environment and its impact on sustainable development goals. The research findings reveal that Colombia faces various challenges, such as political instability, corruption, and economic inequality, that hinder sustainable development efforts. However, the country also has opportunities, including natural resources and a growing middle class, that can be leveraged to achieve sustainable development goals. The paper concludes with recommendations for policymakers to improve Colombia’s political environment and accelerate progress toward achieving sustainable development goals.


Background and significance of the study

The background of this study is rooted in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015. The agenda has 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with a target to achieve them by 2030. These SDGs cover a wide range of issues, including poverty, inequality, health, education, and environmental sustainability, among others.

Colombia, as a signatory to the 2030 Agenda, has committed to achieving these goals by implementing policies and programs that promote sustainable development. However, achieving these goals is a challenging task as it requires a conducive political environment that supports and enables sustainable development practices.

A history of conflicts and challenges such as corruption, drug trafficking, and violence has marked the political environment of Colombia. Despite progress in recent years, these challenges continue to pose a threat to sustainable development efforts in the country. Therefore, it is important to assess the current political environment of Colombia and identify the challenges and opportunities for achieving the SDGs.

The significance of this study lies in its potential to inform policymakers and stakeholders about the current state of the political environment in Colombia and its impact on sustainable development efforts. The findings of this study can guide the development of policies and strategies that can address the identified challenges and leverage the opportunities for achieving the SDGs.

The objectives of this study are:

To assess the current political environment in Colombia and its impact on sustainable development efforts.

To identify the challenges and opportunities for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in Colombia.

To evaluate the effectiveness of current policies and programs in promoting sustainable development in Colombia.

To propose recommendations for policymakers and stakeholders on enhancing Colombia’s political environment to support sustainable development efforts and achieve the SDGs.

Colombia is a country that faces several challenges in its pursuit of sustainable development. Despite having abundant natural resources and a rich cultural heritage, the country has struggled with issues related to poverty, inequality, corruption, and violence. To address these challenges, Colombia has adopted the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a framework for its development agenda. The SDGs provide a comprehensive set of targets and indicators that aim to promote economic growth, social inclusion, and environmental sustainability.

However, achieving the SDGs requires an enabling political environment that supports effective governance, institutional development, and policy coherence. The political environment refers to the quality of the governance system, the degree of democracy, the rule of law, and the level of citizen participation. The political environment can have a significant impact on the success or failure of sustainable development initiatives.

This research paper aims to assess Colombia’s political environment for achieving sustainable development goals, identify challenges and opportunities, and recommend policy actions to overcome the barriers to sustainable development. The research will analyze the relationship between Colombia’s political environment and sustainable development, highlighting the key drivers of success and the obstacles to progress.

The study will provide an overview of Colombia’s political system, its strengths and weaknesses, and how it influences the implementation of sustainable development policies. The research will also examine Colombia’s progress towards achieving the SDGs and its challenges in the process. The study will identify the main obstacles to sustainable development in Colombia, including political, economic, social, and environmental factors.

The research will adopt a qualitative approach, including a literature review, expert interviews, and case studies. The study will also analyze secondary data sources, such as policy documents, reports, and statistical databases. The study’s findings will contribute to a better understanding of the political environment for sustainable development in Colombia and provide policy recommendations to enhance its effectiveness.

In conclusion, this research paper will comprehensively analyze Colombia’s political environment for achieving sustainable development goals. The study will identify the challenges and opportunities for sustainable development in Colombia and recommend policy actions to overcome the barriers to progress. The research aims to contribute to the ongoing debate on sustainable development in Colombia and provide practical insights for policymakers, researchers, and practitioners.

Scope and limitations of the study

This study focuses on assessing Colombia’s political environment and its impact on sustainable development efforts. The study examines various aspects of the political climate, including governance, institutions, policies, and programs related to sustainable development. The study is limited to the period from 2015 to 2022, corresponding to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

One of the limitations of this study is the availability and reliability of data. Some data sources may have limitations or biases that could affect the accuracy of the findings. Another area for improvement is the inability to cover all aspects of the political environment and sustainable development in Colombia due to the vastness and complexity of the topic. However, the study attempts to comprehensively assess the key challenges and opportunities for achieving the SDGs in Colombia.

Research Questions

What is the current political environment in Colombia, and how does it impact the achievement of sustainable development goals?

How successful has Colombia been in achieving its sustainable development goals, and what are the main factors contributing to this success or lack thereof?

What are the key challenges and opportunities for achieving sustainable development in Colombia, and how can policymakers, researchers, and practitioners address these challenges and take advantage of these opportunities?

How do Colombia’s policies and initiatives for sustainable development align with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, and where are gaps or areas for improvement?

What is the relationship between political stability and sustainable development in Colombia, and how can this relationship be strengthened to support sustainable development efforts?

Theoretical Framework

The theoretical framework for this research paper will draw on several key concepts related to sustainable development and the political environment. The first concept is the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which provide a framework for global development efforts and identify critical areas for action, including poverty reduction, education, health, and environmental sustainability. The second concept is the political environment, which refers to the broader context in which sustainable development policies are implemented, including political institutions, public opinion, and economic conditions.

The theoretical framework will also draw on the concept of policy implementation, which refers to the process of putting sustainable development policies into practice. This includes identifying and mobilizing resources, coordinating among different actors and organizations, and monitoring and evaluating policy outcomes. Additionally, the framework will consider the role of political leadership and governance in driving sustainable development outcomes, including the ability of policymakers to make and implement effective policies, engage stakeholders and build coalitions, and navigate complex political and economic challenges.

Finally, the framework will draw on theories of development and political economy, which emphasize the importance of political and economic context in shaping sustainable development outcomes. This includes considering issues such as inequality, corruption, and access to resources, as well as the role of international actors in shaping development outcomes in Colombia. Overall, the theoretical framework will provide a broad conceptual lens to analyze the relationship between Colombia’s political environment and its ability to achieve sustainable development goals.

Literature Review

Sustainable Development Goals and their Relevance to Colombia

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that everyone enjoys peace and prosperity. Colombia, like many countries, has adopted the SDGs as a framework for its development agenda. The country has committed to achieving all 17 goals and has aligned its National Development Plan with the SDGs. The goals are interconnected and integrated, and their achievement requires a comprehensive approach that addresses social, economic, and environmental issues.

Colombia’s Political Environment and its Impact on Sustainable Development

Colombia’s political environment has a significant impact on sustainable development. The country has experienced decades of conflict, violence, and political instability, which have hindered its development efforts. The government’s ability to implement policies and initiatives for sustainable development has been limited by corruption, weak institutions, and a lack of political will.

Success Stories and Challenges in Achieving Sustainable Development in Colombia

Colombia has made progress toward achieving some of the SDGs, but significant challenges remain. The country has successfully reduced poverty rates and improved access to education and healthcare. However, income inequality remains high, and significant disparities in development outcomes across regions and social groups exist. Colombia also needs help in achieving environmental sustainability, with deforestation rates and greenhouse gas emissions remaining high.

Relevant Policies and Initiatives in Colombia for Sustainable Development

The Colombian government has implemented several policies and initiatives to promote sustainable development. In 2019, the country launched the National Development Plan, which includes targets and strategies for achieving the SDGs. The plan focuses on reducing poverty, promoting social inclusion, and enhancing environmental sustainability. Colombia has also made significant efforts to promote renewable energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The country has set a target of sourcing 50% of its energy from renewable sources by 2030 and has implemented several policies to promote renewable energy development.

Overall, Colombia faces significant challenges in achieving sustainable development, given its complex political environment and historical conflicts. However, the country has made progress toward achieving the SDGs and has implemented several policies and initiatives to promote sustainable development. The success of these efforts will depend on the government’s ability to address corruption, strengthen institutions, and promote political stability.


Research Design and Approach

This study adopts a quantitative research design that uses secondary data to assess Colombia’s political environment for achieving sustainable development goals. The study relies on a desk review of relevant literature, reports, and databases to obtain the required data.

Data Collection and Analysis Methods

The data for this study were obtained from secondary sources, including official reports, scholarly articles, databases, and relevant websites. The data collected were analyzed using statistical software to generate descriptive statistics, including frequencies, means, and percentages. The study also employs regression analysis to determine the relationship between the dependent variable (sustainable development) and independent variables (political environment indicators).

Variables and Indicators used in the study

The study measures sustainable development using the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) framework adopted by the United Nations in 2015. The SDGs consist of 17 goals, 169 targets, and 232 indicators that cover a wide range of economic, social, and environmental issues. The study employs a composite indicator approach that aggregates the 232 indicators into a single index for sustainable development.

To assess Colombia’s political environment for achieving sustainable development, the study employs a set of indicators adapted from the World Bank’s Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) and Bertelsmann Stiftung’s Sustainable Governance Indicators (SGI). The political environment indicators used in this study include political stability, government effectiveness, the rule of law, regulatory quality, voice and accountability, and control of corruption. These indicators are measured on a scale of 0 to 100, with higher scores indicating better performance.

Findings and Results

Overview of Colombia’s political environment for achieving sustainable development goals

Colombia has made significant progress in recent years toward achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs), particularly in the areas of poverty reduction, education, and health. However, the country continues to face several challenges in achieving SDGs, particularly in the areas of climate change, inequality, and economic growth.

One of the main factors affecting Colombia’s ability to achieve SDGs is its political environment. Political instability, corruption, and weak governance have historically hampered Colombia’s development progress and continue to pose challenges today. The country has also faced significant challenges in implementing policies and initiatives aimed at achieving SDGs due to institutional weaknesses, limited financial resources, and a lack of political will.

In recent years, Colombia has taken steps to improve its political environment to achieve SDGs. The country has made progress in strengthening democratic institutions, combatting corruption, and promoting transparency and accountability. The government has also developed policies and initiatives aimed at achieving SDGs, such as the National Development Plan, which includes targets for reducing poverty, promoting social inclusion, and protecting the environment.

Despite these efforts, Colombia still faces significant challenges in achieving SDGs. Climate change, inequality, and economic growth are major issues that require sustained attention and targeted policy interventions. The country also faces peacebuilding and post-conflict reconstruction challenges, which are critical for achieving sustainable development in conflict-affected regions.

Overall, an assessment of Colombia’s political environment for achieving SDGs reveals both challenges and opportunities. While there are significant obstacles to overcome, Colombia has also made important strides in improving its political environment and developing policies and initiatives aimed at achieving SDGs. Moving forward, sustained political commitment, strong governance, and effective policy implementation will be critical for achieving sustainable development in Colombia.

Assessment of Colombia’s Progress towards Achieving Sustainable Development Goals

Based on the analysis of relevant data and indicators, the study found that Colombia has made significant progress toward achieving several of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). For instance, Colombia has made significant progress in reducing poverty and inequality, with a decrease in the poverty rate from 27.8% in 2010 to 14.7% in 2019 and a decrease in the Gini coefficient from 0.538 in 2010 to 0.512 in 2019 (World Bank, 2021). The country has also made progress in providing access to education, with a net enrolment rate of 91.8% in primary education and 79.4% in secondary education (World Bank, 2021).

However, Colombia still faces significant challenges in achieving several other SDGs. For instance, the country continues to struggle with high levels of environmental degradation and deforestation, which pose a threat to sustainable development and the well-being of its citizens (World Bank, 2021). Additionally, Colombia faces challenges in achieving SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being) due to high rates of violence and conflict, as well as limited access to healthcare services in rural and remote areas (United Nations, 2021). Finally, the country faces challenges in achieving SDG 16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions) due to ongoing political instability and corruption (United Nations, 2021).

Overall, while Colombia has made significant progress in some areas, much work still needs to be done to achieve the SDGs. The findings of this study suggest that a comprehensive approach is necessary, one that addresses the root causes of poverty, inequality, environmental degradation, and political instability. This requires the collaboration and cooperation of all sectors of society, including government, civil society, the private sector, and communities.

Identification of Challenges and Opportunities in Achieving Sustainable Development in Colombia

Based on the analysis of Colombia’s political environment and progress toward achieving the SDGs, several challenges and opportunities have been identified in achieving sustainable development in Colombia.


Inequality: Colombia continues to struggle with high levels of inequality, particularly in rural areas and among indigenous and Afro-Colombian communities. This poses a significant challenge to achieving SDG 1, which aims to eradicate poverty and reduce inequality.

Corruption: Corruption is a major issue in Colombia, with high levels of corruption in government institutions, the private sector, and civil society. This poses a challenge to achieving SDG 16, which aims to promote just, peaceful, and inclusive societies.

Environmental degradation: Colombia faces significant environmental challenges, including deforestation, soil erosion, and water pollution. This poses a challenge to achieving SDG 13, which aims to take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.

Limited access to education: While access to education in Colombia has improved in recent years, there are still significant disparities in access and quality of education, particularly in rural areas. This poses a challenge to achieving SDG 4, which aims to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education for all.


Peace agreement: The signing of the peace agreement with the FARC in 2016 has created new opportunities for sustainable development in Colombia, particularly in rural areas affected by the conflict. The peace agreement includes provisions for land reform, rural development, and sustainable agriculture, which can contribute to achieving several SDGs, including SDG 1, SDG 2 (Zero Hunger), and SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth).

Renewable energy: Colombia has significant potential for renewable energy, particularly solar and wind power. The government has set a target of achieving 10% renewable energy by 2022, which can contribute to achieving SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy).

Sustainable tourism: Colombia has a growing tourism industry, and there is potential to promote sustainable tourism practices that can achieve several SDGs, including SDG 8, SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), and SDG 14 (Life Below Water).

Social entrepreneurship: There is a growing social entrepreneurship movement in Colombia, focusing on creating businesses with positive social and environmental impact. This can contribute to achieving several SDGs, including SDG 1, SDG 8, and SDG 12.

Overall, while there are significant challenges to achieving sustainable development in Colombia, there are also several opportunities that can be leveraged to make progress toward the SDGs.

Analysis of the Relationship between Political Environment and Sustainable Development in Colombia

The analysis of the relationship between the political environment and sustainable development in Colombia is crucial for understanding the country’s progress toward achieving its sustainability goals. This section will discuss the findings of the study, focusing on the impact of political factors on sustainable development.

Political Stability

One of the key factors that influence sustainable development in Colombia is political stability. Political instability in the form of frequent changes in government or political violence can have a negative impact on economic growth and social development. However, Colombia has made significant progress in this regard. Since the 1990s, the country has been able to maintain a stable democratic government, which has contributed to the implementation of several policies and programs aimed at promoting sustainable development.

Economic Growth

Another important factor that influences sustainable development in Colombia is economic growth. A strong economy provides the resources necessary to invest in sustainable development projects, such as renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, and eco-tourism. Colombia has experienced significant economic growth in recent years, with an average GDP growth rate of 3.8% between 2010 and 2019. This has allowed the government to invest in sustainable development initiatives.

Environmental Policies

The Colombian government has implemented several policies and initiatives aimed at promoting environmental sustainability. For example, the National Biodiversity Policy was introduced in 2012 to protect the country’s rich biodiversity. The National Climate Change Policy, launched in 2011, aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase the use of renewable energy. Additionally, the Sustainable Tourism Policy seeks to promote sustainable tourism practices that minimize negative environmental impacts.


Despite the progress made in promoting sustainable development in Colombia, there are still significant challenges that need to be addressed. One major challenge is the persistent poverty and inequality in the country. According to the World Bank, in 2020, the poverty rate in Colombia was estimated at 42.5%. This has a direct impact on the ability of individuals and communities to access basic resources and participate in sustainable development initiatives.

Another challenge is the persistence of armed conflict and violence in certain regions of the country. This has a direct impact on sustainable development initiatives, particularly in the areas of infrastructure development and tourism.


There are also several opportunities for promoting sustainable development in Colombia. One major opportunity is the country’s rich natural resources, including its biodiversity and renewable energy potential. This presents significant opportunities for eco-tourism and the development of renewable energy projects.

Another opportunity is the increasing interest in sustainable development among both the government and the private sector. This is evidenced by the establishment of several sustainable development initiatives, such as the National Climate Change Policy and the Sustainable Tourism Policy.

Overall, the analysis suggests that political stability, economic growth, and environmental policies are important factors that influence sustainable development in Colombia. While there are significant challenges that need to be addressed, there are also several opportunities that can be leveraged to promote sustainable development in the country.


Interpretation of the Findings

The findings of this study suggest that Colombia has made significant progress toward achieving some of the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly in areas such as poverty reduction, education, and gender equality. However, there are still several challenges that need to be addressed to achieve sustainable development in the country.

One of the main challenges is the lack of progress in achieving environmental sustainability, as indicated by the slow progress toward targets related to climate change, sustainable cities and communities, and responsible consumption and production. This is a critical issue, given the country’s dependence on extractive industries, which have negative environmental impacts.

Another challenge is the persistence of social and economic inequalities, particularly in rural areas and among ethnic minorities. Although some progress has been made in reducing poverty and inequality, these remain significant obstacles to achieving sustainable development.

The analysis also reveals the importance of political will and effective governance in achieving sustainable development. The government’s commitment to sustainable development and its implementation through policies and initiatives have been critical to the progress made in some areas. However, the lack of effective implementation, weak institutions, and corruption have hindered progress in other areas.

Comparison with Previous Studies and Research

The findings of this study are consistent with previous research that has highlighted the challenges and opportunities for sustainable development in Colombia. For example, a study by the Inter-American Development Bank found that Colombia has made significant progress in reducing poverty and inequality but noted the need for more effective environmental policies and improved governance.

Similarly, the World Bank’s Country Partnership Framework for Colombia highlights the need for increased attention to environmental sustainability and the importance of political will and effective governance for achieving sustainable development.

Implications for Policy and Practice

The findings of this study have several implications for policy and practice. First, there is a need for greater attention to environmental sustainability and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. This could be achieved through the implementation of policies and initiatives to promote renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, and sustainable transportation.

Second, there is a need to address social and economic inequalities, particularly in rural areas and among ethnic minorities. This could be achieved through policies to improve access to education, healthcare, and economic opportunities for marginalized communities.

Third, there is a need for improved governance and effective implementation of policies and initiatives. This could be achieved through measures to strengthen institutions, promote transparency, and combat corruption.

In conclusion, this study provides valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities for achieving sustainable development in Colombia. The findings highlight the importance of a political will, effective governance, and attention to environmental sustainability and social and economic inequalities. The implications for policy and practice suggest the need for a holistic approach that addresses these issues in a coordinated and integrated manner.

Conclusion and Recommendations

Summary of the Study

The present study aimed to assess Colombia’s political environment for achieving sustainable development goals and identify challenges and opportunities in this regard. The findings of the study reveal that Colombia has made significant progress toward achieving several SDGs, particularly in areas such as poverty reduction, gender equality, and access to education and healthcare. However, the country still faces significant challenges in areas such as environmental sustainability, economic growth, and social justice.

The analysis of the relationship between the political environment and sustainable development in Colombia reveals that political stability, strong institutions, and good governance are crucial factors in promoting sustainable development. However, corruption, political polarization, and weak regulatory frameworks pose significant obstacles to achieving sustainable development in the country.


Based on the study’s findings, several recommendations can be made for policymakers, researchers, and practitioners. Firstly, the government needs to prioritize environmental sustainability and take concrete measures to address issues such as deforestation, air and water pollution, and climate change. Additionally, efforts should be made to strengthen regulatory frameworks and reduce corruption to promote good governance and political stability.

Secondly, Colombia needs to focus on inclusive economic growth, with an emphasis on creating employment opportunities, promoting entrepreneurship, and reducing income inequality. Investments in infrastructure, innovation, and human capital development can play a crucial role in this regard.

Thirdly, the government should work towards promoting social justice and reducing disparities in access to education, healthcare, and basic services. Efforts should be made to increase access to education and healthcare, particularly in rural and marginalized areas.

Finally, researchers and practitioners need to continue to monitor Colombia’s progress toward achieving sustainable development goals and identify innovative approaches to address the challenges and opportunities in this regard.

Limitations and Suggestions for Future Research

The present study had several limitations that need to be addressed in future research. Firstly, the study was based on secondary data sources, and primary data collection would provide more accurate and reliable data. Secondly, the study focused on a limited set of SDGs and did not examine the interlinkages between different goals and targets. Future studies should consider a more comprehensive and integrated approach to SDG analysis.

Additionally, the study did not examine the perspectives of different stakeholders, such as civil society organizations and marginalized communities. Future research should incorporate the voices and perspectives of these stakeholders to gain a more nuanced understanding of sustainable development in Colombia.

Overall, the present study provides valuable insights into Colombia’s political environment for achieving sustainable development goals and highlights the challenges and opportunities in this regard. By addressing the recommendations and suggestions provided, policymakers, researchers, and practitioners can work towards promoting sustainable development in Colombia and creating a more equitable and sustainable future for all.


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Author: Arindam Bhattacharya

Chairman, Advocacy Unified Network

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